“D” is for “Dance”: Waltz with a Stranger is Here + Giveaway!


Dance in the City, Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Fourteen months after accepting my publisher’s offer, I am delighted to announce the arrival of Waltz with a Stranger on December 4, 2012. It’s been a long journey, and one that I couldn’t have made without the support and encouragement from so many people in both my personal and professional life, from my family and friends to my agent, my editor, and the whole team at Sourcebooks. Thank you all for helping me to realize my dream! And more stories will be coming (I hope!).

In honor of Release Day, I will be giving away two copies–signed, if you like–of the actual book (not an ARC!) to commenters below. And this month, I will also be embarking on a “virtual tour,” visiting various blogs and websites to discuss and promote Waltz with a Stranger. Tour dates and locations are listed and linked on the News page of Blue Stockings & Crossed Genres, if you’d like to drop by and say hello while I’m “on the road.”

A few words on the subject of “the dance,” as this is also an “alphabet post.”

It was through Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, and a double feature of Swing Time and Top Hat that I first learned about dance as “the language of love.” Granted, I was only eight or nine at the time, but the romance, grace, and artistry of one of Hollywood’s best dance teams made a permanent impression.

That impression was reinforced and given a slightly racier spin some years later when my graduate school roommate–a fellow Astaire-Rogers fan–and I were watching The Gay Divorcée on TV. We watched spellbound as the duo spun and glided through the number “Night and Day” with their trademark flair. After which, Fred leaned over a breathless, wide-eyed Ginger, and asked in a low, intimate voice: “Cigarette?” To which she could only shake her head in response.

My roommate and I stared at each other, absorbing what we’d just seen and heard . . . and then we burst into shrieks of laughter at how adroitly the film makers had managed to circumvent the Hays code!


Dance at Bougival, Pierre-Auguste Renoir

While James and Aurelia, the hero and heroine of Waltz with a Stranger, are not in the same terpsichorean league as Fred and Ginger, they nonetheless share a special connection when they dance. A connection that–as with Fred & Ginger in their many films–transcends speech and carries with it the whisper of secret longing and forbidden love. A connection that ultimately proves impossible to deny . . .

Waltz Cover 2

So, if you like the sound of this, please save a place on your dance card for Waltz with a Stranger!

Edited To Add: The hat of destiny has decreed that Rebecca Burnham and infinitieh are the recipients of this week’s giveaway of Waltz with a Stranger. Please contact me with your mailing addresses so I can send your copies (signed if you’d like) to you as soon as possible.

12 thoughts on ““D” is for “Dance”: Waltz with a Stranger is Here + Giveaway!

    1. I thought it was pretty cool when I found it at a local B&N–nothing quite like actually seeing your book right there on the shelf. And a certain relative bought multiple copies, just to get the ball rolling. Let me know if your search prospers! 🙂

  1. Congrats on your new release!

    Unfortunately, my first exposure to ballroom dancing was in 6th grade and not nearly so graceful nor romantic. But I’m totally with you on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers films!

    1. Thank you!

      I took some ballroom dancing classes when I was in grad school. After some lessons I managed not to embarrass myself too much, but I was nowhere in Ginger Rogers’ league! Backwards in high heels . . . the woman definitely deserves more credit!

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